Home of the Meson Chess Problem Database and the BDS Ladder

My Chess Problems

The table below lists all the problems on this website. I will slowly be adding more. The TYPE column indicates the fairy pieces and/or conditions contained in that problem. Fairy pieces and conditions are defined by the Glossary, available through the menu item on the left. Wholly orthodox problems are marked orthodox.

Fairy pieces used include: Chinese Pieces, Dabbaba, Grasshopper Family, Kangaroo, Marine Pieces, Nightrider, Nonstop Equihopper

Fairy conditions used include: Andernach Chess, Circe, Circe Antipodean, Circe Exchange, Functionary Chess, Isardam, Kamikaze, Madrasi, KöKo (Kölner Kontakt Schach), Paisley Chess, Patrol Chess, Sentinels, Symmetric Circe, Total Tactics, Transmuting Kings, Vogtländer

View 1977 None British Chess Magazine #2 U-Chess
View 1977 1st Comm. The Problemist #2 Circe Antipodean
View 1977 3rd HM. The Problemist H#2 orthodox
View 1977 None British Chess Magazine #2 Chinese Pieces
View 1977 None British Chess Magazine #2 U-Chess
View 1977 None British Chess Magazine #2 Circe
View 1977 Comm. British Chess Magazine #2 U-Chess
View 1977 None The Problemist #2 orthodox
View 1978 None British Chess Magazine #2 Grasshopper family, Nightrider
View 1978 None The Problemist #2 Circe Antipodean
View 1978 None Die Schwalbe #2 Chinese Pieces
View 1978 None Probleemblad #2 Chinese Pieces
View 1978 3rd HM. British Chess Magazine #2 Chinese Pieces
View 1979 None The Problemist H#2 Chinese Pieces
View 1980 None The Problemist #2 Chinese Pieces, Kamikaze
View 1982 2nd Prize The Problemist (v) H#2 Chinese Pieces
View 1983 None Chessics #2 Circe Antipodean (rex inclusiv)
View 1984 None The Problemist H#2 orthodox
View 1985 None The Problemist #2 Chinese Piececs
View 1985 None Sheffield Morning Telegraph #3 orthodox
View 1986 None Darnall and Handsworth Bulletin #4 orthodox
View 1986 None Darnall and Handsworth Bulletin H#2 orthodox
View 1986-1987 2nd Prize British Chess Magazine #3 orthodox
View 1987 None The Independent #2 orthodox
View 1987 5th HM., The Problemist H#2 orthodox
View 1987 Comm. British Chess Magazine 5th TT H#2 orthodox
View 1987 None The Problemist #2 Circe Antipodean
View 1987 HM. Cambridge H#2 orthodox
View 1988 None Darnall and Handsworth Bulletin #4 orthodox
View 1989 7th HM. feenschach #2 Total Tactics, Chinese Pieces
View 1989 None Bournemouth Fairy Solving Ty. #2 Chinese Pieces
View 1989 None British Chess Magazine #4 orthodox
View 1990 None Bournemouth Evening Echo #3 orthodox
View 1990 None The Problemist #3 Chinese Pieces
View 1990 None British Chess Magazine H#2 orthodox
View 1990 None feenschach H#2 Chinese Pieces
View 1990 None feenschach H#2 Chinese Pieces
View 1990 4th Comm. Phenix #3 Chinese Pieces
View 1990 None feeschach #2 Chinese Pieces
View 1990 None feenschach #2 Chinese Pieces
View 1990 None diagrammes #4 orthodox
View 1990 None The Problemist #3 orthodox
View 1990 None diagrammes #2 Chinese Pieces
View 1990 None diagrammes #2 Chinese Pieces
View 1991 None diagrammes #3 Chinese Pieces
View 1991 None Problem Observer #2 Circe, Madrasi
View 1991 None The Problemist H#3 Grasshopper Family
View 1991 None BCSC Final #3 orthodox
View 1991 None The Independent #5 orthodox
View 1991 1st Comm. Problem Observer #2 orthodox
View 1991 None Problem Observer #2 Grasshopper Family
View 1991 Comm. British Chess Magazine H#2 Madrasi
View 1991 None diagrammes #2 Madrasi
View 1991 None Phenix H#2 Chinese Pieces
View 1991 None The Independent H#5 orthodox
View 1991 None Problem Observer #2 Grasshopper Family, Nightrider
View 1992 None Problem Observer #2 Circe
View 1992 None The Problemist Supplement H#2 Chinese Pieces
View 1992 None feenschach #2 Chinese Pieces
View 1992 None Problem Observer H#2 Grasshopper Family
View 1992 None feenschach #3 Chinese Pieces
View 1992 Comm. The Problemist R#2 orthodox
View 1992 None feenschach H#2 Chinese Pieces
View 1992 None Problem Observer #3 orthodox
View 1992 None The Problemist Supplement #2 Madrasi
View 1992 None feenschach #3 Chinese Pieces
View 1992 Prize The Problemist R#3 orthodox
View 1993 None Problem Observer #2 Grasshopper Family
View 1993 None The Problemist #5 orthodox
View 1993 None Oxford #2 Grasshopper Family, Symmetric Circe
View 1993 1st HM. Andernach #2 Grasshopper Family, Andernach Chess
View 1993 None The Problemist #2 Symmetric Circe
View 1993 None The Problemist Supplement #2 Grasshopper Family, Madrasi
View 1994 None British Chess Magazine #2 orthodox
View 1994 None Darnall and Handsworth Solving Ty. #2 orthodox
View 1994 None Die Schwalbe #2 Grasshopper Family, Madrasi
View 1994 None Darnall and Handsworth Solving Ty. #2 orthodox
View 1994 None Darnall and Handsworth Solving Ty. #2 orthodox
View 1994 None The Problemist Supplement #4 orthodox
View 1994 1st HM. Oxford R#2 Andernach Chess
View 1994 None Darnall and Handsworth Solving Ty. #2 orthodox
View 1994 None Problem Observer #2 Chinese Pieces
View 1994 2nd Comm. Phenix #2 Chinese Pieces
View 1994 None The Problemist Supplement #4 orthodox
View 1994 None Problem Observer #2 Chinese Pieces
View 1994 None Problem Observer #2 Chinese Pieces
View 1994 None The Problemist #2 Chinese Pieces, Sentinels
View 1995 None The Problemist Supplement #3 Chinese Pieces
View 1995 None Hull Chess Club Magazine #4 orthodox
View 1995 None The Problemist Supplement #2 Chinese Pieces, Sentinels
View 1995 None Hull Chess Club Magazine #2 orthodox
View 1995 None Rochade Europa #3 orthodox
View 1995 None British Chess Magazine #4 orthodox
View 1995 2nd HM. Problem Observer H#2 Chinese Pieces
View 1995 None Die Schwalbe #2 Chinese Pieces
View 1995 None Hull Chess Club Magazine #2 orthodox
View 1995 None The Problemist #5 orthodox
View 1995 None Hull Chess Club Magazine #2 orthodox
View 1995 4th Prize The Problemist #3 orthodox
View 1995 3rd HM. Phenix R#2 Chinese Pieces
View 1995 None The Problemist Supplement #7 orthodox
View 1996 None The Problemist Supplement #3 Symmetric Circe
View 1996 None The Problemist #2 Chinese Pieces, Madrasi
View 1996 None Paisley #2 Grasshopper Family, Paisley Chess
View 1996 None Paisley #2 Chinese Pieces
View 1996 4th HM. feenschach H#2 Chinese Pieces
View 1996 3rd HM. The Problemist #4 orthodox
View 1996 Comm feenschach #2 Chinese Pieces
View 1996 None harmonie #2 Chinese Pieces
View 1996 None British Chess Magazine #3 orthodox
View 1997 1st Comm. Andernach #2 Isardam
View 1997 None Suomen Tehtavaniekat #2 Chinese Pieces, Circe
View 1997 None diagrammes #2 Grasshopper Family
View 1997 None Die Schwalbe R#2 Chinese Pieces
View 1997 None feenschach H#2 orthodox
View 1997 1st HM. Suomen Tehtavaniekat #4 orthodox
View 1997 None The Problemist Supplement H#3 Circe Exchange
View 1997 Comm. The Problemist #2 Patrol Chess
View 1997-1998 3rd Prize Variant Chess R#2 Chinese Pieces, Circe (rex inclusiv)
View 1998 None The Problemist Supplement #3 Sentinels
View 1998 Comm. Messigny H#2 orthodox
View 1998 None The Problemist #3 Chinese Pieces
View 1998 None The Problemist Supplement #2 Chinese Pieces, Sentinels
View 1998 None Problem Observer #2 Circe
View 1998 1st Comm. Martin-Zillna #2 Chinese Pieces
View 1998 None Probleemblad #3 Grasshopper Family
View 1998 None The Problemist Supplement #3 Sentinels
View 1998 Comm. diagrammes #2 Vogtlander
View 1998 None The Problemist Supplement #3 Sentinels
View 1998 None Problem Observer #2 Chinese Pieces
View 1998 HM. Messigny H#2 orthodox
View 1999 None StrateGems #2 Chinese Pieces
View 1999 2nd Comm. Europa Rochade #2 Transmuting Kings
View 1999 None The Problemist R#2 KoKo
View 1999 None diagrammes #4 Vogtlander
View 1999 None StrateGems SEMI-R#2 Koko
View 1999 None harmonie #2 Vogtlander
View 1999 None The Problemist Supplement #2 Chinese Pieces
View 1999-2001 1st Comm. McWilliam MT #2 Chinese Pieces
View 2000 None Probleemblad H#4 Chinese Pieces
View 2000 None The Problemist R#2 KoKo
View 2000 None Suomen Tehtavaniekat #2 Marine Pieces
View 2000 None The Problemist Supplement #2 Madrasi
View 2000 9/13 Comm. StrateGems #2 Grasshopper Family, Functionary Chess
View 2000 None idee and form R#2 KoKo
View 2000 None Correspondence Chess #3 Orthodox
View 2000 None Europa Rochade R#2 Grassshopper Family, Transmuting Kings
View 2000 None The Problemist #2 Orthodox
View 2000 None Phenix R#2 KoKo
View 2000 Comm. StrateGems H=3 orthodox
View 2001 None The Problemist Supplement #2 Chinese Pieces
View 2001 Comm. StrateGems #3 Grasshopper Family
View 2001 None Problemkiste #2 Chinese Pieces, Symmetric Circe
View 2001 Comm. Wageningen #2 Nonstop Equihopper, Patrol Chess
View 2001 None The Problemist Supplement #2 Marine Pieces
View 2002 Comm. Messigny #2 Royal Unit, Dabbaba
View 2002 None Problemesis #2 Chinese Pieces
View 2002 None Correspondence Chess #3 Orthodox
View 2002 None Probleemblad #2 Chinese Pieces
View 2002 None The Problemist #2 Chinese Pieces
View 2002 2nd Prize Messigny #2 Royal unit, Grasshopper, Nightrider
View 2003 None Europa Rochade #5 Kangaroo
View 2003 None The Problemist #2 Marine Pieces
View 2008 Comm. Torquay #2 Chinese Pieces
View 2013 None The Problemist H#2.5 Chinese Pieces
View 2017 None Tehtavaniekka #2 Chinese Pieces
View 2017 11th Comm. Tehtavaniekka #2 Marine Pieces
View 2018 5th Comm., Phenix R#2 Chinese Pieces
View 2020 None The Problemist #3 Chinese Pieces
View 2021 None Probleemblad #4 Chinese Pieces
View 2021 None Problemskak #2 Grasshopper Family, KoKo
View 2021 None The Problemist #2 Chinese Piececs
View 2021-2022 1st HM. The Hopper R#2 Chinese Pieces
View 2021-2022 2nd HM. The Hopper R#2 Chinese Pieces
View 2022 None Facebook #2 Grasshopper Family
View 2023 None The Problemist Supplement #2 Royal unit

Developed and maintained by Brian Stephenson.
Implemented with HTML5, MySQL, Perl (with, inter alia, CGI::Simple, HTML::Template & XML::LibXML) & CSS/Javascript (jQuery, Bootstrap & DataTables).