Home of the Meson Chess Problem Database and the BDS Ladder

Chess Problem 1996g3e501

John Rice & BDS

harmonie, 1996


LEO a7
PAOs f6; c5
VAOs a3, c3, f3, h3, h7; h4, h5
MAO f8

1...VAg4   2.MAd7#
1...c6     2.LEg7#

1.PAd6!    ()

1...VAg4   2.MAxg6#
1...c6     2.LEb8#
1...a1=any 2.LExa1#
1...PA~    2.LEd4#
1...dxe4   2.PAd4#
1...cxd6   2.VAab2#

A problem based round the two changes shown in the first two variations. I had been struggling to get a sound setting and appealed to John for help. Always ready for such a challenge, he came up with the final setting. The three VAOs on white squares and two on black is an indulgence that I wouldn't have considered on my own.

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