Home of the Meson Chess Problem Database and the BDS Ladder

Chess Problem 1998d8d601


The Problemist Supplement, 1998


LEOs a8, g2
PAO c1

1.LEg7[+wPg2]! (2.LEd4[+wPg7]#)

1...Sb4[+bPd5]  2.LEa3#
1...Sf4[+bPd5]  2.LEg3[+wPg7]#
1...Sf6[+bPd5]  2.LEh6[+wPg7]#
1...Se7[+bPd5]  2.LEf8[+wPg7]#
1...Sc7[+bPd5]  2.LEb8#
1...Sb6[+bPd5]  2.LEa6#

The key threatens mate over the bS, which, if it were to move, would leave behind a bP and thus not nullify the mate. That knight moves to six squares, but on each one becomes a new immoveable hurdle over which White can mate.

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