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Chess Problem 1993g1c501

BDS & John Rice

1st HM., Andernach, 1993


Andernach Chess
GRASSHOPPERs d2, g2, g5;
b3, b7, e6

1.Bf4!  (2.Ge3#)

1...Gbe3 2.Sb3#
1...e3   2.Se4#
1...Gee3 2.Se6#
1...Gg7  2.Sb7#

In the diagram position the moves 1.Sxb7, 1.Sxe4, 1.Sxb3 and 1.Sxe6 are all captures and thus not check because the white knights turn into black ones. With the key, 1.Bf4, White threatens the non-capture 2.Ge3#. The motivation of Black's first three defences is occupation of the threat square so that if carried out, the threat (then a capture) would not even be check. The fourth defence pins the white Grasshopper that threatens to mate. Black’s error, in all cases, is departure from a potential mating square, such that a white piece moving to that square no longer has to change colour. 1...Rxg5? does not defend the threat because it is an illegal self-check. On arrival on g5 (with capture) the black rook turns into a white one.

This problem was composed for the first ever tourney for Andernach Chess, which happened during the 1993 Andernach meeting, where the new condition was named after the venue. Andernach is a delightful German town on the Rhine, south of Bonn, where every year, starting on Ascension Day, there is held a meeting of chess composers interested in unorthodox chess problems. Enthusiasts from all over Europe attend. 1993 was my first visit of several. Although I have been unable to go in recent years, I do hope that I haven’t made my last trip to Andernach.

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