Die Schwalbe, 1995
LEO c1
PAOs e1, f1, h3
VAOs a7, e8, g1, h6
MAOs e3, f6
1.fxe6! (2.e7#) 1...PAhf3 2.Sg3# 1...VAf4 2.Sg5# 1...VAd4 2.Sc5# 1...VAf2 2.Sxf2# 1...LExc6 2.Sd2# 1...VAd7 2.exd7# 1...VAf7 2.exf7#
The MAO + S battery opens five times, with the idea of the problem being shown in the first three variations above, where a Chinese piece moves towards the MAO, so allowing the S to play to a square beyond it, where, before Black's move, it would have provided a hurdle over which the Chinese piece could have attacked the checking MAO. The MAO + P battery, set up by the key, fires twice. This was a difficult construction and the great number of Chinese pieces it required (3 black PAOs, 4 black VAOs) is to be regretted.
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