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Chess Problem 1990h8f401


diagrammes, 1990


LEOs d4; a6, b1
PAOs e1, g6; b2, d3
VAOs f2; a2, a3

1.PAg5! (2.Sg6#)

1...PAd1 2.Se2#  (2.PAf1? LExf1!)
1...PAd2 2.PAf1# (2.Se2? PAxe2!)
1...Rb3  2.LEd6# (2.Se6? VAxe6!)
1...Rb4  2.Se6#  (2.LEd6? VAxd6!)
1...Rxf6 2.LExf6#
1...Rb5  2.Se6, LEd6, Se2, PAf1#

After the key there are two pairs of dual avoidance variations. In each case a black piece moves away to open a line of guard to the threat square from a black Chinese Piece, seemingly allowing two mates, but each black move carries a compensating arrival hurdle-creation feature which eliminates one of the mates. Of course, the quadruple dual of all four thematic mates after 1...Rb5 is a huge flaw.

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