The Problemist Supplement, 1992
Madrasi rex inclusiv
1.Bg6! (2.f5#) 1...Qxd5 2.Sxe6# 1...Bxd3 2.Sc2# 1...Qd6 2.Sb5# 1...Qxe7 2.Sc6# 1...Sd6 2.Qe5#
With 1...Qxd5 Black paralyses his queen, because if White were to go ahead with his threat, that threat would cut the line between the two queens and thus allow Black to defend the check with 2...Qe4! Instead, of course, White takes advantage of the paralysis to mate by 2.Sxe6. 1...Bxd3 defends in a similar manner as the threat would unparalyse the newly-paralysed bishop to allow it to defend against the threatened mate by 1...Be4! This time White takes advantage of the paralysis by mating on c2. 1...Qd6 guards the threat line, but allows 2.Sb5# because the black queen has occupied d6, so stopping black from occupying it with his knight to stop to mate. 1...Qxe7 defends in a similar way, but this time stops the black knight from getting to e7, which means that 2.Sc6 is mate. Finally 1...Sd6 obstructs the black queen, allowing 2.Qe5#.
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