Home of the Meson Chess Problem Database and the BDS Ladder

Chess Problem 1999g2a601

Jörg Kuhlmann & BDS

StrateGems, 1999



1.Sc6! ()

1...Rb8 2.Bg5  Rxb2[+wRa1]#
1...Rd8 2.Rbb8 Rxd2[+wBc1]#

After 1...Rb8 it is clear that Black will mate by 2...Rxb2[+wRa1]. Although b2 is not adjacent to another unit, it is after the captured wR is reborn on a1. The same adjacency applies after 1...Rd8, when the mate is 2.Rxd2[+wBc1]. In the first variation the wB has to get out of the way. 2.Bc3 and 2.Bc1 are clearly not on as the mate is defeated by 3.Bxb2[+bRh8] while 2.Ba5 is check to the bK. After 1...Rd8 the wRb2 has to get out of the way. Only moves up the file are legal and do this, but all except 2.Rb8 are check to the bK.

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