Home of the Meson Chess Problem Database and the BDS Ladder

Chess Problem 1998e8e401

BDS & Jörg Kuhlmann

Probleemblad, 1998


b8, e1, h1, h6, h7; d8

1.Kd7!     (2.Ke6  &    3.Sf5#)

1...Gf6     2.Ge6      (3.Ge5#)
                   Qe2  3.Qe3#
                   Qd2+ 3.Sxd2#
1...Gd6     2.Gc6      (3.Gd5#)
                   Qg2  3.Qf3#
                   Qxc3 3.Sxc3#
1...Qh2,Qf2 2.Gd4+ axb4 3.Gxb4#
1...Qg2     2.Gd4+ axb4 3.Gxb4#
            2.Qf3+ Ke5  3.Qf5,Sc6,Sg6#

A problem that illustrates, in the first two variations, the specific grasshopper mate with a checking queen adjacent to the black king guarded by a grasshopper and with the hurdle over which that grasshopper guards itself unable to capture the checker as it would then become a hurdle over which the black king would be checked.

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