Home of the Meson Chess Problem Database and the BDS Ladder

Chess Problem 2018f4h101


5th Comm., Phénix, 2018


VAO b2
PAOs d1,f6; b8,d8,e1

1.PAf8!  (2.Qc7  PAxf8#)

1...d6    2.Qc5  PAxf8#
1...d5    2.Qxc4 PAxf8#
1...PAb7  2.PAf7 PAxf7#
1...PAb6  2.Vc1  PAf6#
1...PAb5  2.Rg5  hxg5#
1...PAxb2 2.f3   PAf2#

With the threat, White makes way for the bPAb8 to mate while also avoiding destinations from which it could interfere on the f-file. Black defends by moving the Pd7, which opens the wQ's guard on the f-file. So the wQ moves behind the bP after it has moved, so still allowing the threatened mate. The bPAb8 can defend the threat by moving anywhere on the b-file. These moves lead to three more mates on the f-file and a pawn mate on g5.

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