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Chess Problem 2021c6c801


1st HM., The Hopper, 2021-2022

PAOs a7, f7; h8, b5
VAOs a8; f1
MAO h6

1.e5!    (2.e4   VAg2#)

1...MAxf5 2.VAb7 MAe7#
1...Bxf5  2.PAb7 Be4#
1...Kb8   2.PAd7 PAc8#
1...VAg2  2.f6   Be4#

The key both clears e4 and blocks e5 so that after 2.e4, 2...VAg2 is mate, with the wP hurdle unable to move. In the first two variations Black takes on f5 to give the potential wPe4 a move to relieve the check. After 1...Maxf5 2.VAb7 interferes with the wPAa7 and allows 2...MAe7#. After 1...Bxf5, 2.PAb7 interferes with the wVAa8 to allow 2...Be4#. This constitutes a white VAO/PAO Grimshaw. There are two by-play variations. In the first the bK steps sideways to give a flight at d7 which is immediately taken by the wPAf7 allowing 2...PAc8#. 1...VAg2 leads to 2.f6 making way for 2...Be4#, this time a double-check from bishop and vao.

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