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Chess Problem 1977a6c601


1st Comm., The Problemist, 1977


Circé Antipodean

1.Bb4!           (2.Sd4#)

1...Rf4          2.Qxd6 [+bBh2]#
1...Sf3          2.Qxd5 [+bBh1]#
1...Se6          2.Bxd7 [+bQh3]#
1...Bxe5 [+wQa1] 2.Qa4#
1...cxb3 [+wSf7] 2.Sd8#
1...Bc5          2.Qc7#

In the first three defences, a black piece interferes on a line to the potential rebirth square of another black piece. White takes advantage by taking that latter piece, which then can’t retake the mating piece because of the interference. Anticipatory interference in a #2!

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