Home of the Meson Chess Problem Database and the BDS Ladder

Chess Problem 1994e1c101

BDS & Michael McDowell

1st HM., Oxford, 1994


Andernach Chess

1.d4!      (2.Ba5 Bb4#)

1...Sxe4=wS 2.Rh1 Rg1#
1...Bb4     2.Re8 Re7#

After the Andernach meeting of 1993, at which Andernach Chess was introduced, the BCPS Residential weekend in 1994 at Oxford saw John Rice running and judging a tourney for the new condition. Michael and I were happy to figure in the award with this reflexmate. In the threat and both variations White clears along a line to allow a black mate moving onto that line, such that White can't capture the checking piece because of self-check thanks to the Andernach condition.

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