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Chess Problem 1987a1c601


The Independent, 1987



1.Qd3?  (2.Rxe6#) 1...exf6!
1.Qc4?  (2.Rxe6#) 1...e5!

1.Qf1!  (2.Rxe6#)

1...exf6 2.Rd6#
1...e5   2.Bd5#
1...Rxf6 2.dxe8=Q#

Any move of the wQ (that retains guard of b5) threatens mate by 2.Rxe6. There are thematic tries to d3 and c4, each of them interfering with another white piece. The key gets right out of the way and plays no further part in the action – a major flaw.

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