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Chess Problem 2002h8d501

Allan Bell & BDS

2nd Prize, Messigny, 2002

GRASSHOPPERs f7, f3, f1; f6, f4, g2, h1

1.Re3! (2.Gb5#)

1...Nd3 2.Re4#
1...Rd3 2.Re6#
1...Bd3 2.Re5#

d3 is guarded by the wGf1 over the wRe2. They key removes that hurdle, but takes back guard of d3 by landing on e3. The threat of 2.Gb5 can be parried by any black move to d3. If a powerless black unit were to move to d3, White could mate in three ways – 2.Re4, 2.Re5 and 2.Re6 each taking advantage of the self-blocking of d3. 1...Nd3 guards e5 and f7, but interferes with bRc3, so only allowing 2.Re4#. 1...Rd3 maintains guard of f3 and opens a guard to e5, so only allowing 3.Re6#. 1...Bd3 opens a line of guard to f3 and f7, so only allowing 2.Re5. The Stocchi theme.

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