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Chess Problem 2021g4g201


2nd HM., The Hopper, 2021-2022


LEO f5
PAO f3
VAO f4; e5

1.VAg3!  (2.LEf4 f5#)

1...VAf4  2.LEe5 f5#
1...Bf4   2.LEg5 f5#
1...Sef4  2.LEe6 f5#
1...Sgf4  2.LEg6 f5#
1...PAf4  2.Sf2  Rxg3#

White vacates f4 and threatens to move his leo there to force Black to mate on f5. Four times Black occupies f4 to stop White doing so, but each time he vacates another square to allow White to vacate in a different way and so allow mate on f5 again.

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