Home of the Meson Chess Problem Database and the BDS Ladder

Chess Problem 2000e1h601

Jörg Kuhlmann & BDS

idee & form, 2000



1.Bb5!  (2.Ra1 b1=Q,R#)

1...Se3  2.Rg2 Sxg2#
1...Sxg3 2.Bf1 Qxb1#
1...Rxg3 2.Ba4 Rg1#

The threatened mate would be merely check if White could move his Pf2, so Black defends by moving pieces to e3 and g3 where White could capture them. After 1...Se3 White simply unguards g2 so that Black has to mate with the S he just moved. 1...Sxg3 leads to 2.Bf1, putting another unit adjacent to the wK so that 2...Qxb1 is mate. Finally, after 1...Rxg3, 2.Ba4 simply moves the bishop aside so that it cannot interpose in the coming check from g1.

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