Home of the Meson Chess Problem Database and the BDS Ladder

Chess Problem 1978g2e501


Probleemblad, 1978


LEO a4
PAOs a6, d8
VAOs a3, b1
MAO b8

1.Qh4!   (2.Qe7#)

1...Sc2   2.Qf4#
1...Sd3   2.Qd4#
1...Sd5   2.Qe4#
1...LExh4 2.MAd7#
1...PAd6  2.Qf6#

After they key, Black can defend by making any move of the bSb4, which opens a line of guard from bVAa3 to the threat square. If the knight doesn’t land anywhere, then three mates (2.Qf4#,2.Qd4# and 2.Qe4#) would all be possible. By arriving on a particular square, the knight provides a guard (by itself and by being a hurdle for a Chinese Piece) for two of those potential mating squares. This is Dual Avoidance of a particular Chinese type.

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