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Chess Problem 2017h2e401


11th Comm., Tehtäväniekka, 2017


TRITON e2; b1
NEREIDE g2; d8

1.Kg3!      (2.Sf2#)

1...SIxe6-f5 2.Qxe5#
1...SIxc6-c5 2.Qxd5#
1...NEb6     2.Sg5#
1...TRf1     2.Qb4#

The judge commented: “Two highly specific thematic variations where a mating wQ becomes guarded when Black annihilates a blocking wP behind the Q. There are also two less specific by-variations. As both black Ps are pinned by white marines, it is really a pity that there is only one pin-mate (Qb4). Both thematic mates would be pin-mates if the pawns were rooks instead, but then the mates would be more brutal captures so the composer didn’t have an easy choice.”

I have to admit that I don’t remember considering the idea of black rooks instead of black pawns to create pin-mates, and if I had I would have ended that consideration very quickly for the reason stated by the judge. Now, if pin-mates can be added in a matrix with black pawns being captured ...

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