Bournmouth Evening Echo, 1990
1.Qa3! (2.Qd6+ exd6 3.Bxd6# 2.Qxe7 & 3.Qd6,Qd8,Qc7,Qe8,a7#) 1...Sgf5 2.Scxe5 & 3.Sd7# (2.Sfxe5? Qc3+!) 1...Sb5, Sdf5 2.Sfxe5 & 3.Sxc6,Sd7# (2.Scxe5? Ra4+!) 1...c5 2.Sfxe5 (3.Sd7#) Sc6+ 3.Sxc6# 2.Scxe5 (3.Sd7#) Sc6+ 3.Sxc6#
I was much taken with the dual-avoidance and tried for ages to eliminate the double threat and the ruinous duals after 1...c5. I probably shouldn’t have published this one.
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