Home of the Meson Chess Problem Database and the BDS Ladder

Chess Problem 2000c3f401

Ruud Beugelsdijk, Dirk Borst, BDS & Koen Versmissen

The Problemist Supplement, 2000



1.Sg7!   (2.Qf5#)

1...Rc7+  2.Se6#
1...Rg3+  2.Sh5#
1...Raxg7 2.Qf7#
1...Rgxg7 2.Qg5#
1...Sg3   2.Qg5#
1...Se3   2.Sh5#
1...e3    2.Qf3#
1...Ra5   2.Rf8#
1...Rf7   2.Qxf7#
1...Rg5   2.Qxg5#
1...Be5   2.Qxe5#

In the diagram position all four rooks are paralysed under Madrasi rules. The key re-animates them and lets in two checks to the white king. 1...Rc7+ allows 2.Se6, which is mate because the checking rook is now paralysed and blocks 2...Sc7, which would paralyse the white knight. The play after 1...Rg3+ is similar. Each black rook paralyses itself by capturing on g7, allowing queen mates. 1...Sg3 interferes with the rook on g1, 1...Se3 allows 2.Sh5 as the paralysing 2...Sg3 is no longer possible. The rest is by-play.

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