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Chess Problem 1978c8e601


Die Schwalbe, 1978


LEO c2
PAOs d2, g1
VAOs a8, b2; b5, c1
MAOs d5; d8

1.Rb7!   (2.Re7#)

1...PAxd5 2.Qh6#
1...Bxd5  2.Qxg4#
1...Sxd5  2.Sxc5#
1...Rxd5  2.Qf5#
1...cxd5  2.Qe8#
(1...Kxd5 2.Re7#)

The key gives a flight and unpins the bPc6. Five black captures on the flight lead to Chinese interferences, the capturing piece abandoning its post as a hurdle, over which a Chinese Piece guards a mating square. A sixth capture on the flight, by the bK, leads to the threat.

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