Comm., British Chess Magazine, 1991
2 solutions
1.Bg2 Bxd3 2.Qf6 c3# 1.Sd7 Sxd3 2.Qg8 c4#
Apart from it not being his move, there are three factors which stop White giving immediate mate with his Q+P battery. (1) The wPc2 is paralysed (observed by the bPd3) and so cannot move. (2) Even if that pawn could move, it could only guard one of b4 and b5, and for mate, both need to be guarded. (3) Even if (1) and (2) were sorted, Black could defend the mate by 1...Qh5! paralysing the wQ and annulling the check. So, White has to capture the bPd3 and can do so with B or S. Each of those guards one of the squares b4 or b5, or would do so if a black piece weren’t paralysing the white piece on d3. This explains Black’s first move, which hides the appropriate paralyser away. White then captures and then Black can hide his queen away behind the unmoved white piece, thus allowing the mate that follows, which guards whichever of b4 or b5 is by then unguarded.
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