Home of the Meson Chess Problem Database and the BDS Ladder

Chess Problem 1985e6c301


The Problemist, 1985


LEO a6
PAOs b6, c8; f1, h3
VAO f6

1.Kxd5!          ()

1...PAd1+        2.Sd4#
1...LEa5+        2.Sc5#
1...LEa8+        2.PAc6#
1...LEa2+        2.Sc4#
1...LExc8        2.Rxc8#
1...LE else      2.PAc6, Sc5, Sc4#
1...PAh any, g2  2.Re3#
1...PAf~ on file 2.Sb1#
1...PAf3         2.Sb1, Re3#
1...PAe1         2.Re5#
1...PAf else     2.Re5, Sd4#

The white king walks into 4 checks. I was persuaded at the time that the several duals in the by-play didn’t matter. These days I am not so sure.

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