Home of the Meson Chess Problem Database and the BDS Ladder

Chess Problem 2008e1e301


Comm., Torquay, 2008


LEO h5
PAOs b4, d7
VAOs a6, c7

1.LEg5!  (2.Sf4#)

1...Bc4   2.Be2#
1...VAc4  2.Rxb3#
1...Rd6   2.Rd2#
1...PAd6  2.LEg6#
1...PAdd4 2.e4#

The theme required was mutual interference between an orthodox line-piece and its Chinese equivalent. Here we have two pairs of thematic variations, with interferences on c4 and d6. The composer has had much luck here as there are no cook-stoppers and the necessary white pawn on e7 provides the try 1.LEe8? (2.Sf4#) which is refuted by 1...VAe5!

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