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Chess Problem 2023f5c401


The Problemist Supplement, 2023 (dedicated to Allan Bell)

Royal Grasshopper c4

1.Ke6!   ()

1...c6    2.Sc5#
1...c5    2.Sa5#
1...rGxa2 2.Sc1#
1...rGc8  2.Kd7#

Royal Grasshoppers can be slipery beasts, but this one is almost corralled. It has two flights, on a2 and c8. The one on c8 needs provision, so the key, providing 2.Kd7# after 1...rGc8, is very strong. After 1...c6, the rG must be blocked from going to c7, so only 2.Sc5 is mate. After 1...c5, 2...rGc6 has to be stopped, so only 2.Sa5 is mate. Finally, 1...rGxa2 is met simply by 2.Sc1#

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