Search Results
192139 1916 b3e4 1368.55 #3 HM. Rice MT Mosely, Arthur James
193809 1916 b4d6 4454.24 #2 None Rice MT Mosely, Arthur James
40077 1916 b7d6 1775.35 #3 None Rice MT Heathcote, Godfrey
193806 1916 c1d4 1485.23 #2 1st Prize= Rice MT Promislo, Charles
184917 1916 c1d5 4784.23 #2 1st Prize Rice MT Rietveld, Johannes Jacob
218726 1916 d2d6 4225.14 #3 None Rice MT Laws, GW
192138 1916 d8d3 1015.31 #3 1st Prize= Rice MT Meyer, Heinrich Friedrich Ludwig
157682 1916 e3f8 4548.14 #3 None Rice MT Meyer, Heinrich Friedrich Ludwig
193796 1916 g4d6 4885.25 #2 1st Prize= Rice MT Marin y Llovet, Valentin
24678 1916 g7e2 4884.33 #2 1st Prize Rice MT Sparke, Arthur M
192131 1916 h1f3 4255.14 #3 1/5 Prize Rice MT Gordian, Yury Markovic & Vilner, Yakov Semyonovich
184438 1916 h1g8 1615.41 #3 1/5 Prize Rice MT Palkoska, Emil
193805 1916 h5d5 4778.46 #2 1st Prize= Rice MT Grabowski, Kazimierz
40078 1916 h6g4 1052.25 #3 1st Prize= Rice MT Heathcote, Godfrey

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