Search Results
120749 1958 e1f5 1552.03 #2 None Sahs Ungurs, B
86571 1959 a6e4 1101.02 #3 None Sahs Melnichenko, Viktor Oleksandrovich
109630 1959 a7e5 1545.05 #2 None Sahs Viksna, Kristaps
39477 1959 b3a1 0011.12 #3 HM. Sahs Hebelt, Vaclav
36613 1959 b7a1 4114.14 #4 None Sahs Pachman, Vladimir
15099 1959 g7d8 3784.08 #3 4th HM. Sahs Froberg, Johan Hilding Laurentius
265292 1959 h2d5 1557.22 #2 None Sahs Castellari, Umberto
18941 1959 h8f4 1768.41 #2 None Sahs Froberg, Johan Hilding Laurentius
46772 1959 h8h1 0012.01 #5 3rd HM. Sahs Virtmanis, Andris
109117 1960 a2e5 1728.33 #2 None Sahs Paleis, J
73420 1960 f6d4 4588.24 #3 2nd HM. Sahs Friedberg, Uly & Nestorescu, Virgil
116862 1960 g1g4 0210.36 #3 None Sahs Kumina, Dzidra
103624 1961 a1d4 4518.13 #2 None Sahs Konstantinopolski, S
262161 1961 a5d7 0514.11 #2 None Sahs Lipton, Michael
125718 1961 b2f6 1187.20 #2 None Sahs Lider, Valentin Viktorovich
109058 1961 d6c4 4525.23 #2 None Sahs Nazarov, Boris Nikolaevich
83358 1961 e7c5 1368.25 #4 None Sahs Havel, Miroslav
73423 1961 g3e4 1275.26 #3 1st HM. Sahs Nestorescu, Virgil
81287 1961 g4e5 4852.24 #2 None Sahs Macleod, Norman Alasdair
166925 1962 c5f4 4752.23 #2 2nd Comm. Sahs Wielgos, Oskar
10173 1962 h7d5 1588.31 #2 1st Prize Sahs Loshinski, Lev Ilich
158485 1962 h7g5 4882.43 #2 1st Comm. Sahs Ahues, Herbert Siegfried Oskar
136362 1963 d1f4 1020.13 #3 None Sahs Ancin, Andrej
135737 1963 g4d6 1821.13 #2 None Sahs Ancin, Andrej
10323 1963 h6f4 1755.64 #2 1st Prize= Sahs Shedey, Sergey Oleksandrovich
118575 1963 h6f4 1755.73 #2 None Sahs Shedey, Sergey Oleksandrovich
8830 1963 h7c8 0755.26 #3 None Sahs Froberg, Johan Hilding Laurentius
118523 1964 a6e4 4335.55 #2 None Sahs Schneider, Michael
10440 1964 c4e5 1425.06 #2 3rd HM. Sahs Barnes, Barry Peter
56340 1964 c4e5 1425.08 #2 1st HM. Sahs Barnes, Barry Peter
82428 1964 e8d6 4875.42 #2 None Sahs Ahues, Herbert Siegfried Oskar
2646 1964 f7d5 1875.42 #2 None Sahs Reeves, Alfred Christopher
134345 1964 h4c5 1585.46 #3 2nd Prize Sahs Mangalis, Laimons
107786 1965 h2c5 4868.36 #2 None Sahs Brabec, Juraj
234154 1967 c7e5 4458.33 #2 None Sahs Ellerman, Arnoldo
234153 1967 d1f5 4787.21 #2 None Sahs Ellerman, Arnoldo
234155 1967 h1d5 4845.41 #2 None Sahs Ellerman, Arnoldo
145690 1968 b1c5 4845.14 #2 6th Comm. Sahs Kofman, Rafael Moiseevich
49874 1969 f8e5 1845.15 #2 1st Comm. Sahs Krikheli, Iosif Mikhailovich
67922 1971 d7d4 0222.73 #2 1st HM. Sahs Erokhin, Vladimir Alekseevich
27774 1971 f3e5 4762.25 #2 3rd Prize Sahs Dombrovskis, Alfreds A
60857 1971 g8e5 4287.14 #2 None Sahs Kisis, Imants J
121835 1973 h1a8 1112.38 #3 None Sahs Viesturs, Nikolai
79213 1975 h4g6 0120.11 #2 None Sahs Aliovsadzade, Rauf Gadzhiaga ogli
158053 1975 h6f5 4278.14 #2 None Sahs Antonov, Yuri Mikhailovich
158056 1976 h6e5 1328.22 #2 None Sahs Antonov, Yuri Mikhailovich
110088 1979 b6d4 1454.13 #2 None Sahs Kisis, Imants J
159500 1981 h1e5 1578.04 #2 None Sahs Antonov, Yuri Mikhailovich
160092 1982 e8d5 1885.04 #2 None Sahs Antonov, Yuri Mikhailovich
79254 1982 f8d4 1101.02 #2 None Sahs Alekseev, Yuri Mikhailovich
158627 1984 b7d5 1757.06 #2 None Sahs Animitsa, Khristofor Savvich
161535 1985 e4g6 1243.35 #2 None Sahs Antonov, Yuri Mikhailovich
120222 1986 h1f1 1001.01 #3 None Sahs Karmil, Ferhat (= Kakabadze, Ferad)

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