Search Results
15119 1980-1981 f1c4 4252.23 #2 None BCSC Starter Fenner, A Jack
15196 1981-1982 h6f4 1501.31 #2 None BCSC Starter Rice, John Michael
15300 1982-1983 b1f4 1213.24 #2 None BCSC Starter Rice, John Michael
23713 1996-1997 h1g4 1548.23 #2 None BCSC Starter Rice, John Michael
7050 1998-1999 c4c7 1858.13 #2 None BCSC Starter Rice, John Michael
7230 1999-2000 h5f4 1328.36 #2 None BCSC Starter Rice, John Michael
79003 2000-2001 g7e5 1135.22 #2 None BCSC Starter Rice, John Michael
79446 2001-2002 c6f3 4211.13 #2 None BCSC Starter Rice, John Michael
46132 2002-2003 f4d6 4244.31 #2 None BCSC Starter Rice, John Michael
49732 2003-2004 h5f5 4172.12 #2 None BCSC Starter Rice, John Michael
51924 2004-2005 g4f6 4556.43 #2 None BCSC Starter Rice, John Michael
60393 2005-2006 f5c6 4558.23 #2 None BCSC Starter Rice, John Michael
68289 2006-2007 f4d6 1543.26 #2 None BCSC Starter Rice, John Michael
80997 2008-2009 h1d5 1138.23 #2 None BCSC Starter Rice, John Michael
136746 2009-2010 c2d4 1408.35 #2 None BCSC Starter Rice, John Michael
148533 2012-2013 f5d4 1245.22 #2 None BCSC Starter Rice, John Michael

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