Search Results
259501 0000 h4d5 1888.54 #4 None Source? Cheylan, Yves
218774 1947 e1e5 4282.47 #2 None Arbejder-Skak Cheylan, Yves
239889 1972 a2c7 4882.42 #2 None Sinfonie Scacchistiche Cheylan, Yves
176232 1972 a6e2 1282.34 #2 None Schach-Echo Cheylan, Yves
11816 1972 a6e4 1855.23 #2 2nd Comm. KeyStip 06. Ty. Cheylan, Yves
259470 1972 b2e2 4852.04 #2 5th HM. The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
259439 1972 c7e5 4888.32 #2 1st Prize Nice-Matin Cheylan, Yves
259442 1972 d8a7 1758.31 #2 None Probleemblad Cheylan, Yves
176291 1972 d8f8 4557.22 #2 None Schach-Echo Cheylan, Yves
235154 1972 f1f6 1575.41 #2 None Deutsche Schachzeitung Cheylan, Yves
259444 1972 f2b5 4418.63 #2 None Die Schwalbe Cheylan, Yves
259491 1972 g8e8 1527.02 #2 None Europe Echecs Cheylan, Yves
11823 1972 h7c4 4551.46 #2 4th HM. KeyStip 06. Ty. Cheylan, Yves
140457 1972-1973 d6c4 4422.45 #2 Comm. BCF 131. Ty. Cheylan, Yves
52022 1973 a2d6 4858.31 #2 3rd Prize KNSB-100 JT Cheylan, Yves
144355 1973 a6c7 4526.21 #2 None diagrammes Cheylan, Yves
84178 1973 a6d5 4882.32 #2 None The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
84180 1973 a7f6 4588.03 #2 None Deutsche Schachblatter Cheylan, Yves
259426 1973 a8a2 1132.12 #2 None Hlas l'udu Cheylan, Yves
11970 1973 a8c2 4225.16 #2 None The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
143038 1973 a8c4 4545.43 #2 None Schweizerische Arbeiter Schachzeitung Cheylan, Yves
80721 1973 b2e5 1242.56 #2 None Liberte-Dimanche Cheylan, Yves
11971 1973 c1h2 4251.11 #2 None The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
84174 1973 c3e1 1855.15 #2 None The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
259486 1973 d8e4 1858.34 #2 None diagrammes Cheylan, Yves
143040 1973 e8b6 0558.23 #2 None Schweizerische Arbeiter Schachzeitung Cheylan, Yves
259487 1973 f1d4 4585.01 #2 None diagrammes Cheylan, Yves
143039 1973 f5c1 1585.02 #2 None Schach-Echo Cheylan, Yves
11972 1973 g3c4 4885.33 #2 None The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
24617 1973 g3e4 3552.31 #2 None Europe Echecs Cheylan, Yves
138931 1973 h1e6 4288.14 #2 1st Prize Nice-Matin Cheylan, Yves
273334 1973 h2d4 4245.20 #2 2nd HM. Schakend Nederland Cheylan, Yves
274378 1973 h3e4 4558.26 #2 None Mat Cheylan, Yves & Michel, Francois
84179 1973 h4c5 4885.23 #2 None Schweizerische Schachzeitung Cheylan, Yves
259483 1973 h4d4 4525.43 #2 None Main-Post Cheylan, Yves
143041 1973 h4d6 1855.65 #2 None diagrammes Cheylan, Yves
259484 1973 h6f5 1882.16 #2 None Main-Post Cheylan, Yves
259455 1973 h7d5 1858.23 #2 None Schweizerische Arbeiter Schachzeitung Cheylan, Yves & Michel, Francois
259431 1974 a1a4 4850.34 #2 4th Comm. The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
78290 1974 a1a6 1351.03 #2 3rd HM. L'Italia Scacchistica Cheylan, Yves
84181 1974 a3d5 1882.46 #2 None The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
123047 1974 a4f5 3225.57 #2 1st HM. Szachy Cheylan, Yves
259437 1974 a7d5 4548.25 #2 3rd Prize British Chess Magazine Cheylan, Yves & Robert, Philippe
142155 1974 a8g6 4887.36 #2 None Die Schwalbe Cheylan, Yves
84173 1974 b1c6 4581.18 #2 None Ferrari MT (Sinfonie Scacchistiche) Cheylan, Yves
84176 1974 b3d4 1814.26 #2 None Ellerman MT Cheylan, Yves
259458 1974 b6e8 1244.10 #2 None Arbeiter Zeitung Cheylan, Yves
259473 1974 b8f3 1555.34 #2 2nd Prize Scacco! Cheylan, Yves & Robert, Philippe
239786 1974 c1e5 1858.42 #2 None Themes-64 Cheylan, Yves
84172 1974 c1f8 4844.16 #2 None Probleemblad Cheylan, Yves
177530 1974 c4a2 0120.11 #2 None Postsjakk Cheylan, Yves
179553 1974 d4a4 0110.15 #4 None diagrammes Cheylan, Yves
66767 1974 d8e3 1421.24 #2 None Het Parool Cheylan, Yves
84177 1974 e3c4 4588.64 #2 None Keystip Ty Cheylan, Yves
235152 1974 f8h1 0212.04 #2 None Deutsche Schachzeitung Cheylan, Yves
259481 1974 h4d5 4588.04 #2 6th Comm. Problemas Cheylan, Yves
235153 1974 h5f5 4844.35 #2 None Deutsche Schachzeitung Cheylan, Yves
259454 1974 h6f4 0255.14 #2 None The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
123254 1974 h7d5 4152.35 #2 4th HM. Sachove umeni (Ceskoslovensky sach) Cheylan, Yves
140647 1974-1975 b1e4 1585.33 #2 4th Prize BCF 137. Ty. Cheylan, Yves
239117 1975 a1d4 1251.43 #2 None Sachove umeni (Ceskoslovensky sach) Cheylan, Yves
237710 1975 a1h4 1575.35 #2 None Shakhmaty v SSSR Cheylan, Yves
259433 1975 a4c4 3882.25 #2 None Probleemblad Cheylan, Yves
259489 1975 a4e7 1172.21 #2 None Main-Post Cheylan, Yves
66768 1975 a7f4 3842.45 #2 3rd Prize Schweizerische Schachzeitung Cheylan, Yves
84164 1975 b1b5 3551.14 #2 None The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
259488 1975 b1d4 1557.31 #2 None Main-Post Cheylan, Yves
259474 1975 b8d5 4558.46 #2 None Nice-Matin Cheylan, Yves & Robert, Philippe
84163 1975 c1e5 1245.32 #2 None The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
235601 1975 c6b4 1538.24 #2 None Mat Cheylan, Yves
259471 1975 c7e5 1012.18 #2 None diagrammes Cheylan, Yves & Mirand, Georges
235150 1975 c8e7 4462.13 #2 None Problemas Cheylan, Yves
235602 1975 e8e5 4157.34 #2 6th HM. Mat Cheylan, Yves
259572 1975 g3d4 1755.41 #2 None Scacco! Cheylan, Yves
235149 1975 g8e1 0125.13 #2 None Buletin Problemistic Cheylan, Yves
214444 1975 h2a2 1511.32 #2 None diagrammes Cheylan, Yves
225108 1975 h2c3 1555.13 #2 None diagrammes Cheylan, Yves
214607 1975 h2f1 1081.14 #2 None diagrammes Cheylan, Yves
84175 1975 h3e4 4828.37 #2 None The Observer Cheylan, Yves
259457 1975 h7a6 4451.04 #2 2nd HM. Pedagogusok Lapja Cheylan, Yves
237711 1976 a2d3 1545.24 #2 None Shakhmaty v SSSR Cheylan, Yves
235603 1976 a3e4 4578.23 #2 None Mat Cheylan, Yves
259435 1976 a5d3 0852.52 #2 None diagrammes Cheylan, Yves
78291 1976 a5d6 4155.10 #2 None The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
259465 1976 a6a3 4555.13 #2 3rd Prize Die Schwalbe Cheylan, Yves
259571 1976 b2d4 1275.27 #2 None Gazeta Czestochowska Cheylan, Yves
259661 1976 b8d3 1151.11 #2 Comm. Problem Observer Cheylan, Yves
30523 1976 c1e5 1245.42 #2 1st Prize The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
259429 1976 f5c5 1151.05 #2 None The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
255822 1976 g1d4 0811.41 #2 None Buletin Problemistic Cheylan, Yves
12340 1976-1978 d8c4 1288.37 #2 1st Prize Arguelles JT Cheylan, Yves
63334 1977 a2d5 0558.52 #2 3rd Prize diagrammes Cheylan, Yves & Hartong, Jan
259428 1977 a3d4 1110.04 #2 None Die Schwalbe Cheylan, Yves
176408 1977 b3d5 3112.21 #2 None Schach-Echo Cheylan, Yves
259463 1977 b8d4 1588.44 #2 None Die Schwalbe Cheylan, Yves
259478 1977 f8f4 1582.26 #2 1st HM. Problemas Cheylan, Yves
272475 1977 g2c4 4827.24 #2 None diagrammes Cheylan, Yves
78300 1977 g4f6 4882.24 #2 HM. Suomen Shakki Cheylan, Yves & Myllyniemi, Matti Arvo
259445 1977 g7a1 1515.02 #2 None The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
259430 1978 c1b8 1210.10 #2 None The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
259462 1978 c3e5 0230.61 #2 None De Waarheid Cheylan, Yves
64230 1978 c4f3 1882.56 #2 3rd Prize The Problemist Cheylan, Yves & Haring, Jacobus
259440 1978 d7d4 4752.42 #2 3rd HM. Problem 058. TT Cheylan, Yves
235148 1978 f7e5 4882.21 #2 Comm. Problem 058. TT Cheylan, Yves
259476 1978 f8d5 4558.42 #2 Comm. SEPA Cheylan, Yves
259446 1978 g8c7 0521.11 #2 None The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
259447 1978 g8d3 0451.14 #2 None The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
12449 1979 c3f3 4851.13 #2 1st HM. Probleemblad Cheylan, Yves
274265 1979 c6d4 1534.05 #2 None diagrammes Cheylan, Yves
259449 1979 h3d5 4655.72 #2 5th Prize Die Schwalbe Cheylan, Yves
240570 1979 h7a6 0115.32 #2 None Thema Danicum Cheylan, Yves
259477 1979 h7d5 1555.53 #2 4th HM. Problemas Cheylan, Yves & Hannelius, Jan Ingvar
259436 1980 a6c4 1148.12 #2 3rd Prize Arbeiter Zeitung Cheylan, Yves
259573 1980 a6f3 3155.53 #2 None Mat Cheylan, Yves
84160 1980 d8f7 3865.12 #2 None Problemas Cheylan, Yves
259662 1980 e1e3 4285.32 #2 None Die Schwalbe Cheylan, Yves
259443 1980 e8d5 4558.53 #2 3rd Comm. Die Schwalbe Cheylan, Yves
259482 1980 f7d4 1225.42 #2 None Schach-Echo Cheylan, Yves
259607 1980 g1e4 1285.35 #2 None Problem Observer Cheylan, Yves
200286 1980 g1e6 4288.52 #2 None Probleemblad Cheylan, Yves
259441 1980-1981 d7d5 1852.53 #2 7th Prize Schiffmann MT Cheylan, Yves
48238 1980-1981 e1d6 4785.61 #2 1st Prize Schiffmann MT Cheylan, Yves
27503 1980/II f3c5 4822.72 #2 2nd HM. The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
84168 1981 b6e5 1104.22 #2 None Canadian Chess Chat Cheylan, Yves
84157 1981 c4b2 1244.24 #2 None Magyar Sakkelet Cheylan, Yves
64771 1981 c7d4 4582.63 #2 2nd Prize The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
240571 1981 d4f1 4124.12 #2 None Thema Danicum Cheylan, Yves
276114 1981 f7c4 1122.43 #2 None Mat Cheylan, Yves
259427 1981 g6e6 3235.25 #2 None Hlas l'udu Cheylan, Yves
259451 1981 h5d5 1441.12 #2 Comm. Die Schwalbe Cheylan, Yves
176243 1982 b1f6 4775.54 #2 3rd Prize Schach-Echo Cheylan, Yves
61416 1982 c6d4 1258.27 #2 None Europe Echecs Cheylan, Yves & Joffart, Daniel & Wiedenhoff, Claude
64755 1982 d6e4 1858.35 #2 2nd Prize Die Schwalbe 168. TT Cheylan, Yves
51825 1982 f4d4 4427.10 #2 3rd HM. Problemas Cheylan, Yves
84151 1982 f8d8 0201.20 #2 None diagrammes Cheylan, Yves
259448 1982 h1f1 1821.04 #2 5th Comm. Die Schwalbe Cheylan, Yves
259472 1982 h3h1 3224.02 #2 None The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
64748 1982 h4c4 4248.63 #2 2nd Comm. Gooderson MT (The Problemist) Cheylan, Yves
259453 1982 h6c5 4542.54 #2 Comm. Probleemblad Cheylan, Yves
84152 1983 a6d6 0582.75 #2 None Magyar Sakkelet Cheylan, Yves
203032 1983 b6d5 4375.30 #2 None The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
176409 1983 f8e5 1825.51 #2 None Schach-Echo Cheylan, Yves
253055 1983 g7e5 4285.53 #2 None Probleemblad Cheylan, Yves
252988 1983 g8h6 1642.12 #2 None Probleemblad Cheylan, Yves
259452 1983 h5f4 1582.33 #2 None Die Schwalbe Cheylan, Yves
15380 1983-1984 d7f4 1855.73 #2 1st Place French Championship Cheylan, Yves
73564 1983-1985 e4d1 0141.37 #5 2nd Place French Championship Cheylan, Yves
259438 1984 b2e3 1487.33 #2 4th HM. Probleemblad Cheylan, Yves
259490 1984 b3d5 1745.22 #2 None Buletin Problemistic Cheylan, Yves
259456 1984 h7f6 1847.24 #2 1st HM. Die Schwalbe Cheylan, Yves
259434 1985 a5c4 0818.23 #2 None Probleemblad Cheylan, Yves
84153 1985 a7d6 1845.25 #2 None Magyar Sakkelet Cheylan, Yves
210402 1985 b1e4 1555.32 #2 None The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
78298 1985 b6d5 3275.55 #2 HM. Cambridge TT Cheylan, Yves
259480 1985 f8f5 4724.43 #2 Comm. Problemas Cheylan, Yves
210201 1985 g4e4 1851.30 #2 None The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
259450 1985 h5a4 1113.03 #2 None Die Schwalbe Cheylan, Yves
211171 1985 h7f5 0584.34 #2 None The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
235161 1985 h8e7 1757.42 #2 5th HM. Probleemblad Cheylan, Yves
259432 1986 a1d6 4255.45 #2 4th HM. Die Schwalbe Cheylan, Yves
212380 1986 a8e5 3858.47 #3 None The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
259496 1986 b8a6 0104.10 #4 None T. Furth Cheylan, Yves
212382 1986 e1d5 4885.57 #5 None The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
15645 1986 f1d2 1825.42 #2 4th Prize Schach-Aktiv Cheylan, Yves
259464 1986 f1e5 1588.55 #2 3rd Comm. Salazar JT (Problemas) Cheylan, Yves
198582 1987 a4f5 0475.16 #3 None Suomen Shakki Cheylan, Yves
221668 1987 a5e4 0582.64 #3 None The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
123251 1987 d8b6 3252.65 #2 3rd HM. Hermanson JT Cheylan, Yves
84169 1987 f1c4 3428.35 #3 None Probleemblad Cheylan, Yves
259466 1987 f2c4 0525.67 #2 3rd Prize diagrammes Cheylan, Yves
198954 1987 f6d4 0258.55 #2 None Suomen Shakki Cheylan, Yves
259461 1987 h5d5 4528.24 #2 2nd HM. Suomen Tehtavaniekat-50 JT Cheylan, Yves
15709 1987-1988 a1c2 1857.04 #2 1st Prize Hassberg MT Cheylan, Yves
15819 1988 a4e6 1588.24 #2 2nd Prize Die Schwalbe Cheylan, Yves
259460 1988 a4e6 1885.24 #2 2nd Prize Die Schwalbe Cheylan, Yves
142765 1988 d2e4 0125.65 #3 None Phenix Cheylan, Yves
142767 1988 f5d4 0455.45 #5 None Phenix Cheylan, Yves
15807 1988 g6e5 0522.84 #2 4th Prize Boyer MT Cheylan, Yves
84159 1988 h2e4 3442.45 #4 None Europe Echecs Cheylan, Yves
259467 1988 h7f5 1554.35 #2 None Die Schwalbe Cheylan, Yves
235151 1989 a1b5 0258.13 #2 None Schach-Aktiv Cheylan, Yves
200440 1989 a4c5 0458.14 #5 None Schach-Aktiv Cheylan, Yves
199644 1989 a7c6 4445.57 #3 None Suomen Shakki Cheylan, Yves
38844 1989 a8a5 4882.17 #3 2nd HM. Phenix Cheylan, Yves
199877 1989 f6h4 3352.28 #4 None Suomen Shakki Cheylan, Yves
142089 1989 f8b5 1144.43 #3 None Phenix Cheylan, Yves
199690 1989 g1c5 0557.24 #2 None Suomen Shakki Cheylan, Yves
259502 1989 g2a1 1000.12 #5 None Mora Tidning Cheylan, Yves
52254 1989 h6f5 1175.55 #2 None The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
81173 1989 h6f5 4415.54 #2 None Le Courrier des Echecs Cheylan, Yves
20444 1990 c4e4 0444.55 #4 None Die Schwalbe Cheylan, Yves
35146 1990 c5e5 0442.16 #4 2nd Comm. Phenix Cheylan, Yves
249009 1990 e6f4 0352.25 #4 None The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
142264 1990 f3d8 0011.54 #3 None Phenix Cheylan, Yves
58770 1990 h1d5 0588.33 #2 None Phenix Cheylan, Yves
52070 1990-1991 g1e4 4484.43 #2 7th Comm. Petite JT Cheylan, Yves
84161 1990-1991 h1e4 0582.45 #3 None Problemas Cheylan, Yves
33590 1991 h6f4 3185.56 #3 None diagrammes Cheylan, Yves
259492 1991 h7f7 0247.21 #2 None Mora Tidning Cheylan, Yves
35153 1991-1992 h7f5 3882.46 #4 3rd Comm. Phenix Cheylan, Yves
7650 1992 b1d4 4557.24 #2 Comm. Phenix Cheylan, Yves
259479 1992 g7d7 1436.43 #2 None Problemas Cheylan, Yves
35712 1993 e2c4 0422.45 #4 4th HM. diagrammes Cheylan, Yves
38850 1993 g4e6 3755.25 #3 None Phenix Cheylan, Yves
42561 1993 h6d5 1855.02 #2 None Phenix Cheylan, Yves
200228 1994 a3e5 3588.72 #3 None Phenix Cheylan, Yves
153406 1994 a8d5 1841.25 #2 5th Comm. Wola Gulowska Cheylan, Yves
65378 1994 c8e4 4488.46 #2 1/2 Prize Wola Gulowska Cheylan, Yves
200441 1994 e3e5 3542.54 #5 None Schach-Aktiv Cheylan, Yves
48436 1994 e8d3 3728.48 #3 2nd HM. Mat Plus Cheylan, Yves
78302 1994 h3c5 1244.75 #2 None Phenix Cheylan, Yves
259497 1995 f7e5 0200.01 #4 None diagrammes Cheylan, Yves
80312 1995 g3h1 0011.22 #4 1st Comm. Mat Plus Cheylan, Yves
8120 1995 h8f4 1587.35 #2 None Sinfonie Scacchistiche Cheylan, Yves
994 1996 a7b5 1546.14 #2 None The Problemist Supplement Cheylan, Yves
259493 1996 b2f8 0141.25 #3 2nd Prize diagrammes Cheylan, Yves
23716 1996 c8c4 1588.35 #2 None Die Schwalbe Cheylan, Yves
66989 1996 f3e6 4242.14 #2 6th HM. The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
23889 1996 h8d4 1278.24 #2 1st Comm. diagrammes Cheylan, Yves
259500 1996-1997 b5d5 0785.45 #4 3rd HM. diagrammes Cheylan, Yves
78299 1996/II b5f5 1888.32 #2 5th Prize The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
259498 1997 a3a1 3123.41 #4 None diagrammes Cheylan, Yves
259494 1997-1999 f8f5 0325.56 #3 6th Prize diagrammes Cheylan, Yves
78294 1998 a5c5 1845.25 #2 2nd Comm. Wola Gulowska Cheylan, Yves
7052 1998 a5e5 4808.02 #2 1st Prize di Scala MT Cheylan, Yves
78296 1998 a6d6 4832.14 #2 3rd Comm. di Scala MT Cheylan, Yves
78295 1998 b6d5 1725.23 #2 1st Comm. di Scala MT Cheylan, Yves
78293 1998 c3d5 4745.44 #2 1st HM. Onkoud-25 JT Cheylan, Yves
78297 1998 e8d5 1658.07 #2 4th Comm. Ahues-75 JT Cheylan, Yves
78292 1998 g2g4 0852.14 #2 1st Prize Onkoud-25 JT Cheylan, Yves
259495 1998 h1f1 0012.34 #4 None Mat Plus Cheylan, Yves
22896 1998 h5f5 0455.13 #3 None diagrammes Cheylan, Yves
7352 1999 a4e5 1852.32 #2 None StrateGems Cheylan, Yves & Savournin, Jacques
16157 2000 a4c4 1845.33 #2 None StrateGems Cheylan, Yves
15979 2000 c8d4 1858.52 #2 2nd Prize Die Schwalbe Cheylan, Yves
59367 2000 d5e3 1427.34 #2 None Troll Cheylan, Yves
50684 2000 e1e4 4588.36 #2 None Schach-Aktiv Cheylan, Yves
16128 2000 e2a7 1125.12 #2 None Schach Cheylan, Yves
16129 2000 e8d4 1858.63 #2 None Schach Cheylan, Yves
16158 2000 f6c5 4588.25 #2 None StrateGems Cheylan, Yves
67319 2000 g8d5 1258.43 #2 2nd Comm. Phenix Cheylan, Yves
16101 2000 h3f4 4548.33 #2 None Problem-Forum Cheylan, Yves
16241 2000/I b2d4 4855.54 #2 3rd Prize The Problemist Cheylan, Yves
37072 2001 a7d4 4855.34 #2 Comm. Die Schwalbe Cheylan, Yves
259485 2001 h5f4 0257.52 #2 None Problem-Forum Cheylan, Yves
191964 2001 h6f4 1817.63 #2 None Sachsische Zeitung Cheylan, Yves
84155 2001 h8f5 1545.44 #2 None diagrammes Cheylan, Yves
259475 2002 g3h5 0123.12 #2 None The Problemist Supplement Cheylan, Yves
51983 2004 e3a3 0223.34 #4 None Die Schwalbe Cheylan, Yves
51768 2004 e8c7 4555.22 #2 4th HM. StrateGems Cheylan, Yves
51800 2004 g5e5 4072.14 #4 None StrateGems Cheylan, Yves
51799 2004 h8e5 4188.43 #4 None StrateGems Cheylan, Yves

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